
Good Ol’ Times

It was fantastic to have these girls and their families over last weekend! There’s something so comforting and sentimental about seeing old friends. Melissa and Bethany were 2 of my favorite roommates during freshman year at BYU. We’ve all changed a little, but not too much! It seems like only yesterday that we were living in Heritage Halls, having our first major bonding experience—a huge, late night water battle with some boys next door. We roomies have kept in touch over the years somehow, mainly through blogs and emails. The last time I saw Melissa was before either of us even had kids! Now Melissa has just had child #2 (Nigel), and Bethany just had her first baby, Max.

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We also had a photo taken (on Bethany’s camera) of all 3 of us simultaneously nursing our babies (all covered up, sorry)! It was just so hilarious to me that we were all nursing at the same moment.

And this I cannot comprehend, but somehow Melissa, Sam, little Owen, & newborn Nigel drove across the country to move for Sam’s Residency. Glad we were one of the stops along the way! Melissa and family spent the night before continuing on their journey, which was fun. Chase and Owen played well together—it’s nice when Chase gets a chance to play with a boy who’s actually his same age. Good to see you, everyone!
