
We Heart NC!

Here’s more from the trip, from when we were in Charlotte, North Carolina. Congrats to Tyler, who graduated from high school! Here he is with Grandpa & Grandma Lipps. It was the best graduation ceremony ever, because it was short ‘n’ sweet (1 hour)! But right afterwards we experienced the hugest downpour of rain, so the grads were sopping wet for their photos. Exciting for them!


One of our afternoons was spent at a fun game place, that featured TONS of kid activities. Chase loved the inflatable jumpy section, and all the arcade games. Pace and Tyler dominated Laser Tag, as they were the oldest in there by about 10 years. Uncle Cotton and Chase competed against each other in some intense mini bowling. And I just got in Pace’s way when we played on the same team in air hockey…

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I was also excited to see 3 of my friends from my Costa Rica Study Abroad Program (in 2004). What an exciting, life-altering experience our study abroad program was—I think about it all the time!

Chelsea, Brindi, Mary, and I were all in the Charlotte area at the same time, so we met up and chatted over pizza, admiring the families we now have, and catching up on things. Ryan and Chelsea go to church with Joey and Candace, who Pace grew up with, so they joined us as well. We LOVE seeing old friends!

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Our cute Little Ones. Chelsea’s baby weighs the most out of the 3 babies, even though he’s the youngest! 🙂

We had a great time in Charlotte. Thanks SO MUCH, McGrandparents, for having us over for such a long time, and for being hospitable as always!