

We had to say farewell to this beloved, sultry lady the other day.


Yes, my first college roommate—we had SUCH a good time together from the start (back in ‘02)! And now she’s headed home to the Golden State to continue her life’s adventures. 

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One of the qualities I love about Amanda: She’s always so amazing/patient with the little children. After Charlotte was born, Amanda took Chase on a special excursion to the mall and got him this turtle stuffed animal from Build-A-Bear. Chase promptly named him “Car,” I think because Chase got to ride in Amanda’s car, and he thinks Amanda’s car is really cool.


Before Amanda got to our house, Chase decided to make her a goodbye card, in which he told me to write, “I love you Amanda”—short & sweet. Things have changed a lot over time, but we still manage to get together to laugh & cry (literally) about all sorts of things. We think of you often, Amanda, and wish you the best of times back in Cali!
