
I Love This Baby

(We’re posting a lot because Uncle Gino is “making” us.) Next week, Charlotte will be 9 months old (which I can’t believe)! She still has that lovely baby scent and I can’t help but smell her sweet head all day long.

Nowadays, she has a little more hair on her head, and she’s also crawling, pulling herself up on things, and squirming around like she never has before. Entering the ACTIVE days!

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Charlotte has realized that she can pull herself up on the sides of the crib, so Pace lowered it all the way yesterday. Charlotte is definitely not a newborn anymore!

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It’s good that she’s so cute (we say that a lot with our kids), because during the last few nights, Pace and I have both had our first “real” moments of frustration with this angel baby. Let’s just say she has NOT been an angel all night long, or at nap times. Today was a little better with naps, though, so let’s hope it’s just temporary.

I am glad that Pace is very patient and helpful with Charlotte during these times. He likes to sing to me, “You’re gonna miss this… You’re gonna want this back…” Haha! We’ll still keep her, though.


Added by Pace: