
Christmas List 2009

So I’ve decided for Christmas this year I would perform a little social experiment. No survivors or hidden cameras needed on this one though. It all started last year when Joy put 2 things on her list, then she added like 3 more things as it got closer to Christmas. I got her almost everything on her list, except for painting the kitchen and something else. Ever since then, anytime someone walks in our kitchen, I’ve had to hear about how painting the kitchen was all she really wanted… so that sparked my imagination. And I thought what if I told people I want two things, one very specific and one very general, what would I end up with? For a very real life example, lets look at my list for this year:

  1. Star Trek The Next Generation Complete Series
  2. Remote control helicopter

Now the specific one is very pricey, so maybe multiple people will go in on it and buy it, OR maybe one person will say, “well he’s only asking for two things, so I’ll get it for him” OR maybe everyone will say, “sheesh that’s too much, I’ll get him a remote control helicopter”. Which brings us to the second item, a remote control helicopter… but I didn’t say what kind, so that leaves the buyer thinking, ok I’ll get the $20 thing from wal-mart, OR they could go the mid ranged helicopter on the internet, OR they could go with a high end one from the RC model store.

AND what adds more excitement is that there are only two things on the list… so will people say “oh he’ll get the first one from Joy and the second one from his brothers, so I’ll get him a big bag of milky ways”… so really I have no idea what I’ll end up with for Christmas (maybe 12 different remote control helicopters), I just know these two things are on my list. Leave a comment below to let me know what’s on your list, b/c you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!