Family Fun

V-Day Delights

Well, getting a decent “posed photo” of these two on such holidays is nearly impossible. They both hopped down and went to look out the window when I was trying to get a smiling shot! But I do love how tiny Charlotte looks when she’s standing next to Big Brother.

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I occasionally put a little gel in Charlotte’s hair to avoid the mullet look… Because when she doesn’t have gel in it, a mullet is exactly what her hair is. And in case you were wondering, YES, those little cheeks of hers are very soft & kissable. She smells so sweet– I really adore this baby!


Chase made valentines for his Joy School friends and a few others. I cut out the hearts and he was willing to take it from there! He chose to have the candy hang from the hearts with Scotch tape.

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Chase’s best friend Jaxon came over after Joy School that day, as he often does. We love having friends over all the time, and Chase and Jaxon happen to get along extremely well. I think it’s helpful that Chase is the oldest child in his family and Jaxon is the youngest in his.

(1st photo: Charlotte apparently saw something astonishing?!)

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They made these cute Valentine’s bags in class. Ah, the memories of giving and getting valentines in school! I remember totally “reading into” the message on the valentine from whoever my current crush was. (Notice that the candy that originally accompanied Chase’s valentines = already devoured. That’s my boy!)

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