
Still Getting Used to Pretty Hair Things

Occasionally, Charlotte likes to put on this headband that Aunt Jessica gave her a while back. She usually wears it for a few seconds.

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But then little Charlotte remembers that she doesn’t like wearing it, so she whines about it.


At least she’s a woman who knows how to take matters into her own hands!

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All better.


Family Fun

Oh, What a Night!

We had a big windstorm here about 2 weeks ago. It was the craziest wind I’ve ever heard– the damage was pretty bad. In the morning there were shingles all over the neighborhood. Luckily we only lost shingles, not any of the paper that keeps water from getting into our house. And luckily we have a contractor friend to put shingles back on for us!

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Power lines were down, we found our garbage can in the backyard, our welcome mat had flown to the other side of the house, and the neighbor’s fence blew over in a few spots. I was kind of excited about that, because our really good friends live in the house you can see peeking over the fence, so I was hoping we could just cut through and play all the time! But alas. It’s now fixed, and doesn’t look that great, either!

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No Offense, Uncle Gino…

…But Charlotte didn’t enjoy trying on the old bomber jacket that you gave Chase a few years ago. As soon as I got it on her, Chase laughed and exclaimed, “She looks like a boy!”

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I guess we’ll have to have another boy someday, just so it can be worn again! But that won’t happen until many, many years from now.


Ode to lost

LOST, you’re my friend
I hope you’re not taking me down a dead end
Your show last night was long
Devoted I was and came along
Now here I sit thinking what happened last night
Killed off Juliet and had everyone else ready to fight
Confused I am but more curious
If you don’t give me some answers I’ll get furious
And please, please whatever you do
just let Jack and Kate die a very slow, agonizing, painful death.