
Redemption Island

Every season of Survivor, I’m concerned that Jeff will announce they will not be doing another season. Luckily, it wasn’t last season and the next installment is set to start on Feb. 16th. You won’t want to miss a single episode as they will be bringing back Boston Rob and Evil Russel!! I know huh! That should be serious entertainment and I predict Russell will go to redemption island and then try to beat everyone one on one.


An update on Old Spice

Great news. My favorite ad is also the favorite ad of a billion other people. And that makes me part of the trend setters.

Check out the above video to see some impressive stats on just HOW effective this campaign, and that response campaign was. If you don’t watch it… let me sum it up for you. History book worthy amazing!

I’m on a horse.

T.V. Tech

Tues. Fun

Here’s some fun for you. You can now pay for and get access to full seasons, and watch on your mobile devices. It’s $10 /mo that’s prob cheaper than having cable, just make sure you have a good internet connection. Called Hulu Plus. (please report back if you sign up, and tell us if it’s worth it)

And secondly,


3D TVs = Bad

First off, seriously who demanded 3D tvs enough for companies to think we want them so bad? Exactly, no one. 3D tvs are being pushed out b/c they offer so many additional selling pieces. Interestingly enough Samsung came out with a huge list of warnings against 3D tvs. Most of them make complete sense, and I’ve experienced many during or after a 3D movie. So what do you think? Will you support 3D tvs or let them go the way of BetaMax?

Here’s half the report:

# Some viewers may experience an epileptic seizure or stroke when exposed to certain flashing images or lights contained in certain television pictures or video games. If you or any of your family has a history of epilepsy or stroke, please consult with a medical specialist before using the 3D function.
# If you experience any of the following symptoms, immediately stop watching 3D pictures and consult a medical specialist: (1) altered vision; (2) lightheadedness; (3) dizziness; (4) involuntary movements such as eye or muscle twitching; (5) confusion; (6) nausea; (7) loss of awareness; (8) convulsions; (9) cramps; and/or (10) disorientation. Parents should monitor and ask their children about the above symptoms as children and teenagers may be more likely to experience these symptoms than adults.
# Viewing in 3D mode may also cause motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain, and decreased postural stability. It is recommended that users take frequent breaks to lessen the likelihood of these effects. If you have any of the above symptoms, immediately discontinue use of this device and do not resume until the symptoms have subsided.
# We do not recommend watching 3D if you are in bad physical condition, need sleep or have been drinking alcohol.


Ode to lost

LOST, you’re my friend
I hope you’re not taking me down a dead end
Your show last night was long
Devoted I was and came along
Now here I sit thinking what happened last night
Killed off Juliet and had everyone else ready to fight
Confused I am but more curious
If you don’t give me some answers I’ll get furious
And please, please whatever you do
just let Jack and Kate die a very slow, agonizing, painful death.



Our favorite reality tv show, proven by how many seasons it’s been on, is starting again tonight! Feel free to leave you favorite pick for the winner of the whole thing in the comments below. And the prize goes to Rebecca last year for guessing the winner, with me in a close second for picking second place. Check out the players now and make your comments.


Geeky video


Funny Hump Day

Happy Wednesday, it’s volleyball night and LOST night!!


Survivor Tocantins Contest

Win amazing amounts of respect and honor by entering the guess who wins Survivor by picture only contest. With only two days till the new Survivor airs in glorious HD, take 30 seconds to browse the contestants pictures and leave a reply on Ryan’s blog as to who will win. All for fun and games as the odds for anyone winning is slim.. although someone did last year!

Play NOW!”


LOST Season 5

A great video came out this summer, that you need to see before season 5.

Watch the video and read/watch a summary of DHARMA

Good stuff, discuss in the comments::::