Family Fun

Dinner Dynamics

I just realized that I didn’t take any pictures last week, as far as I know. I just didn’t even think of it. So this week, I will work on catching a few photos! In the mean time, here are a couple of random photos from a couple weeks ago.

Sometimes we have to force these two kids to eat some dinner! And this is what it tends to look like. IMG_1246By the time I’ve accomplished the task of making dinner while also refereeing Chase & Charlotte’s play, I’m pooped. Luckily, Pace eats really quickly, so he then takes over the task of getting them to eat something while I chuckle at the sight of it all.

What does a person do? Maybe I should have them skip their afternoon snack so they’ll be practically starving by dinner time. THEN maybe they’d appreciate it!!! IMG_1247

One might think, “Well, obviously they’re just not hungry, so don’t make them eat.” But we usually start on the bedtime routine afterwards, and if they haven’t eaten much, they both cry and put on this big show about how hungry they are. And if they don’t eat anything by the time they go to bed, they wake up all night crying and asking for food (=punishment for the parents). Hm.

So that’s why we avoid all that drama and just force them to eat some dinner at dinner time! I know, perfect parenting skills at work around here…