Family Fun

Quality Cousin Time

We went over to Jake & Leann’s (Leann=my cousin) for a little pizza and Wii action the other night. We enjoyed spending time with them.

Charlotte & 2nd Cousin Jessica had an especially good time together! Jessica is about to turn eight. Her dad, who was recently baptized, will perform her baptism and they will also go to the temple to be sealed together as an eternal family. How amazing is that!


Jake & Leann are a little TOO good at the Wii games; we assume they must practice all day, every day.  P.S. I am absolutely awful at Mario Kart, but I killed them all in the Frisbee toss game. Go figure.


Pace volunteered to teach us the proper form for golf. Check out that rear end!!!



I love Charlotte’s huge blue eyes in the above photo. We look nothing alike!