Family Fun

Simple Yet Awesome

Yesterday, my friend Jamie and I were discussing (on the phone) how even though we’re aware that there are a variety ways to be a “Good Mom”, we sometimes still feel like we’re not very awesome because we don’t do super awesome things that other moms do. (I know that comparing ourselves to others is just pointless, because it discourages us & we’re comparing our weak points with others’ strengths. But I find myself doing so, anyway!)

I’ve felt like I should make more creative craft-type items with/for my kids, because “Good Moms” do things like that all the time, but then I just think that the $ and effort to purchase/gather all the materials (and perhaps just wanting to throw it in the trash after a few days) is not worth it!That’s just my opinion.

So I take a simpler approach and do things like the following:

–Make & eat homemade popsicles (for these, we poured 100% apple juice into molds & dropped a few blueberries into each one, too—kind of nutritious!):


(Those Ikea popsicle molds were certainly a great investment. I didn’t know if they would be one of those things that you think you’re going to use, but never do. However, we’ve made a variety of pudding pops, juice pops, & yogurt pops over the last couple years. So easy & cheap!)

–Build things together (or just watch your kids & admire their creations) is another simple yet great thing to do:


–Give them cookie cutters at lunch time to cut out their sandwiches and gobble them up! Easy & fun.


–And then there’s the simple pleasure of spending time together, doing ANYTHING. (The Hottie below is watching Duck Tales with his kids, and cuddling with them. He also enjoys taking Chase to Home Depot the 1st Saturday of each month to do the free wood craft.)

I mean, look how much fun Charlotte is having. Ha!


–Another simple activity is going to Story Time at the library, checking out books & movies, then playing on the playground there.

…That list isn’t too shabby! Even if I’m not very crafti-licious, we can still do interesting things.

So my point is this: If you’re like me & feel like you don’t do enough super awesome things with your kids, think again, because maybe the simple things you do with them or for them are more valuable & “awesome” than you originally thought.