
“Pem-pess” (=Princess) Charlotte

Our little girl truly enjoys being a girl. Can you tell?


She wears dresses every single day, she LOOOOVES jewelry & Mommy’s cosmetics, and she likes wearing her clip-clop shoes when we go to the store so she can hear them clip clop as we walk along. (It takes us a long time to walk anywhere, though!)

She also loves princesses and Barbie. When I was dropping Chase off at preschool a couple weeks ago, Charlotte suddenly pointed & shouted, “Barbie!!!!” I looked out the window to where she was pointing, and sure enough, it was the preschool teacher’s next door neighbor, who truly DOES look like Barbie! What a hoot.

Charlotte’s a BIG girl now, because she’s potty trained! We did it. We have to deal with the occasional accident while she’s playing & doesn’t think about getting to the toilet, but she’s doing very well overall. No more diapers!

We had Sarah K. from our ward babysit our kids the other night. She did Charlotte’s hair—I loved it! I need to learn how to french braid! (this photo is of the next-day version of it)

Sarah also brought Charlotte a Sleeping Beauty locket, which Charlotte instantaneously fell in love with and grasped tightly saying, “It’s mine. You can’t have it! It’s mine.” I said to her, “What do you say to Sarah?” and she immediately wrapped her arms around Sarah while exclaiming, “Thank you SO much!” We put tiny pictures of Rapunzel & Ariel inside the locket so she could have various princesses with her at all times. Such a sweet girl!