Caroline Family Fun

Baby Caroline at 1 month old

This is what our sweet baby looks like right now.


Yes, she still sleeps all the time! It is amazing to me. When she’s awake, she calmly looks around and I just love gazing at her. But really, she’s the sleepiest newborn I’ve ever had. And the easiest newborn I’ve ever had. Not that I think newborns are easy… But really, Caroline has been fussy like maybe once so far. And she doesn’t spit up. Well, she DID have a few random projectile episodes at first. Once, she projectile vomited all over Charlotte from head to toe which made Big Sister start to cry… But that hasn’t happened in a couple weeks now.

Caroline weighed 9 lbs. at her 2-week appointment, so she’s doing well in her weight gain.

Look how tiny this bundle looks in her crib. Before we know it, she’ll be as long as this crib! I don’t remember what my other 2 newborns were REALLY like. That might be a good thing. But it just goes by too quickly and I know it! I wish I could bottle up all the (good) newborn memories so I could really remember it all a few years from now.


My mom had to leave a week ago. It was hard to say goodbye. It was crucial to have my mom here to help ease us into the newborn lifestyle. She hung out with us, spoiled us, folded laundry, did our dishes, & helped tremendously with Caroline. I especially appreciated sharing the “load” when it came to the diaper changes! haha, get it??



Charlotte is great with her little sister. She likes to get really close to Caroline’s face and talk in a high-pitched voice. Charlotte HAS been more defiant/opinionated & crying more lately, but she’s been doing alright overall. I try to make time to spend with just her.


Chase is very tender and helpful with his baby sister, also. He goes & gets things when I ask him to. I still have to remind him not to carry Caroline around. He doesn’t seem as affected by this whole situation as Charlotte, maybe because he’s older & more independent.


Here’s my little family, all holding each other on their laps!


Pace has been great, too. He has been patient with me having baby gifts everywhere, dinner NOT ready when he gets home, & my boxes of regular clothes all over the bedroom as I transition to my normal clothes. I am grateful for my wonderful husband. Even if he’s a little crazy (see picture below).


That pic was taken after a bath time. Caroline really loves her baths! And I love when she’s all fresh & clean & snuggly.