Chase Chase Adventures

Our Big Boy

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Chase recently finished a great soccer season with his team, The Tigers.

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Chase has definitely found “his sport!” He LOVES playing soccer, it’s a great outlet for him, and he’s good at it too. I’m bragging, yes. We were proud to watch him do his thing out there. If only the soccer season were longer than 1 stinkin’ month! (next few photos courtesy of Rachel)




In other news, Chase recently carved a zucchini guy that sat on our porch for a few days to greet visitors.



I definitely let all our zucchini get out-of-control large. I thought it was kinda cool, until my Mom said that you’re supposed to pick zucchini when it’s small so it will taste good, & so the plant can put its energy into making more zucchini rather than sustaining the big ones. Lesson learned! (But at least we’ve enjoyed tons of zucchini, delicious tomatoes, and even some bell peppers, mint, & thyme from our garden.)

Below are just a couple pics of Chase from when we were at the Museum of Ancient Life (with GG & Charlotte). He looks like such a little angel. Haha!

