
Here’s Charlotte.


She’s a happy, endearing girl. She often surprises me with the observations she makes about things & the new vocabulary she uses (like “complicated”, “testimony”, & “fantastic”). And she makes us laugh! I remembered to jot down a few things that Charlotte recently said…


– She was bawling about something as she walked into the kitchen. As I hugged her, she glanced at the pantry & bawled, “I think I just need some fruit snacks or somethiiiiiing!”

– Last night I was calling to Pace from outside, but he couldn’t hear me. So Charlotte screamed out in a loud, wild voice, “PAAACE!!!” and then turned to me and asked sweetly, “Don’t I have a beautiful voice?”

– Gretchen (Pace’s mom) was trying to get her to go to the bathroom. GG challenged Charlotte, “Come on, I’m going to beat you to the bathroom!” and Charlotte responded nonchalantly, “No, I don’t want to beat you.”

– She was climbing on the space heater in Caroline’s room. When I told her not to because it could tip over, she told me, “But I’m here. To protect it.

– Pace was telling me some things about his day, when Charlotte came up, threw her hands up in the air, & asked him incredulously, “Are you kidding me?!?” And he just kept telling his story until she’d interrupt again with, “Are you really kidding me?!” This happened a few more times & just cracked me up.


Charlotte has been a pretty good sport lately, even as I’ve been spending a lot of time nursing & diapering Caroline. But we multitask… We have a lot of tea parties, we read books, we chat, & we play games. I’m glad she’s content to just hang out with me at home a lot! She carries around her purses filled with jewelry, buttons, play money, & lots of random little objects.

And Charlotte still really loves books! She can usually be found with a book or 5 in hand. Takes after her Grandma T.


She loves her GG!


I just realized that she’s wearing that same dress in every single picture of this post. Yes, my kids are quite opinionated about their clothing. Chase & Charlotte each have their favorite outfit (which is NOT my favorite outfit) & that is what they want to wear, every day! Oh well, life’s short, so I’m TRYING not to sweat the small stuff!