Caroline Family Fun

Caroline’s Blessing Day



We had Caroline’s baby blessing at church when she was 2 weeks old (Sept. 25th). Yes, it was early, and I was a little bleary-eyed. But it was wonderful to have some of our family and friends around for this special occasion. (Thanks so much to the Fernstens for these photos. And sorry about all the backtracking on the blog.)

Pace gave a wonderful priesthood blessing to Caroline at our 9am church meeting. He wasn’t a fan of her blessing dress because it was big, poufy, & slippery. He said she was sliding out of his hands during the blessing & he almost dropped her. But he didn’t! We came home & had lunch & hung out at our place. It was a gorgeous Sunday.

Daddy + Mommy + Caroline

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Family Photo! Charlotte is holding her pink purse for the photo, of course.

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The one below is more typical of our everyday life…

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Nathan & Rachel Fernsten. We’re SO glad whenever we get to see them!

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This is my little Grandma! She’s my dad’s mom. We love her. (Caroline does, too. Can you see that hint of a grin on her face?)

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The men in attendance. (Jason McGowan was at the blessing, too.) Yancy Zimmerman was in town & surprised us by coming, along with his wife Leah & son Jeshua (the little redhead)!

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The women (minus Becky Stoddard & Whitney McGowan). It was a nice surprise that Stephanie Zundel came, too! Love her!

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Lookalikes: Rachel & Charlotte

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Us with my parents & grandma in a washed-out photo (are these starting to seem like wedding pictures??)

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Us with Pace’s parents
