Personal Tech

Enough cutesee stuff

Ok that’s it, I’m taking this McBlog back over. Time for some guy stuff!
First and most important, who will be in Utah on April 9 & 10 to go to the Man Expo with me?

Second, this cool thing came out today that turns your camera into a wireless camera. What’s that mean? Well imagine never having to find those darn cables each time you want to get pictures from your camera. Instead, take a picture then go to your computer, b/c it synced wirelessly. “WOW that’s AWESOME!” you say. “Yes it is” I say back. Isn’t it expensive!? Well normally you’d think this would recuire a new camera, or fancy stuff. Well a company has shoved all the necessary hardward into an SD card. If you have a sony camera, you’re out of luck b/c they have a proprietary card design… BUT this is SWEET! You should definitely get this on your birthday list. Check the cheesy mom explanation video.

Third, there has been a huge explosion of Android announcements. If you’ve been cruising along happily with your old cell phone, you might not have noticed that the future is here and it’s called Android. All major carriers have at least two phones running this operating system.. when’s the last time that happened? (That tells you how tech shattering this is) Sprint, my carrier of choice as of this writing, will have 5 Android phones available by the end of April. AND Sprint also announced WiMax (4G) coverage is coming in SLC. So that’s cool.

OK, I think that’s enough geek to cover us for a bit. What do you think?
(What’s Iron Man there for? Well, he’s a really cool man, and he is techie)