
Baby Names (by Joy)

It’s a challenge for a couple to come up with a baby name that they both enjoy for their child. This is what I have discovered, having a little “bun in the oven” and all. I always figured that I, being the extremely tasteful woman that I am, would come up with some names, and my husband would veto any that he didn’t like, and that I would end up making the executive decision. But alas, there are only 2 names that we both like.
After much deliberation, we have tentatively decided to name our pending child Chase. Chase James McCulloch, that is. Our #2 choice of name is Max. Pace has said that he wants to see the baby first before we make a definite decision on the name, but I personally don’t think that will help much, because newborn babies are always just red and wrinkly and don’t really look like what they will look like for the rest of forever. At least you HOPE they won’t always look like that…


The A-Team

iTunes has been adding video content very consistently for a while now, they just added Nickalodeon, MTV crap, and Disney shows. While checking it out I saw the A-team!!! Available for download, only $1.99 an episope… if only money grew on trees so we could all own the A-team and watch em whenever we wanted. I thought about buying it and justifing it as training videos for the baby, because I’d love for him to know all the stuff the A-team knows. Another tempting show is the Alfred Hitchcock vintage collection, seems like those could fill any boring nights. So I thought I’d let any rich bored people know that entertainment awaits on iTunes.



What’s the worst sequel ever?


Good Laugh

I thought I’d share one of my favorite comic strips with ya’ll. Hope it made you laugh like it made me. Sometimes I feel like the cat and sometimes I feel like the guy.


Xbox 360??

Well Bill, I hope you read this, because I don’t think it was very cool to name your new game system after the number of units you were going to manufacture! I’m tired of asking Walmart employees if they have Xbox 360’s in. Today I was told that I missed them, they had four available on Friday at the Orem store. Hmmm, maybe the sales clerk was just playing with me because when when we went grocery shopping in Springville I asked for curiosity sake (I’m shopping for Darin) and that guy said their store hadn’t had any since Dec… hmmm, looks like by the time you can buy an Xbox 360 for sugg retail price, you’ll be able to buy two Sony Playstation 3s. Therefore, if anyone sees an Xbox 360 in a store, just spit on it for me. (Then call Darin who prob won’t want one by then)


Joy’s 1st bloggage

Hello. This is my very first experience with this sort of thing. It is very thrilling for me. I will put stuff on here sometimes I guess, because Pace is making me. I think he did a really good job of making a pretty-looking blog, so I will honor him by gracing this page with my presence from time to time. Pace is hottttt. I love his sexy boddddd.


Spiritual Spillage

Being Sunday, very early Sunday; and seeing how I can’t sleep, I thought I would ramble about the McCulloch’s family scripture time. We read chapter 20 of Wilford’s study manual. Speaking of life and choosing the right, “We shall rejoice if we do it right; for out eyes have not seen, our ears have not heard, and it has never entered into the hearts of the children of men the glory that lies before the sons and daughters of Adam. It is hidden from our eyes today, and will never be open to us until we enter into the presence of God and the Lamb. There is no man or woman who has ever lived on the earth and kept the commandments of God who will be ashamed of, or sorry for it, when they go into the presence of God.” Wow, isn’t that awesome!? It just makes me jump up and say “YEAH!”. Well, anyway I really liked it, it gave me a boost of energy to fight against the pessimists and negativity in the world. What do you think?

Married Lessons Personal

Married Life

Married Lesson #1: Life is better when you’re married! Joy made me a cheescake with chocolate topping…. why? because I asked her to! Isn’t that great!? I mean if I were single I’d have to take her to a movie or make out with her or something like that before she would make me an amazing dessert. You are all welcome to come get some cheesecake, if you can get here before it is all eaten.



Well if your are seeing this it’s because you are unique. I’m playing around with this thing b/c I’m bored on a Sat and my friends haven’t posted to their blogs lately. I’m trying to figure out how to edit the page to change the lesbian woman on the top. She is starting to bother me, but I liked the colors on this theme.. so hopefully I figure it out.