Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures

Chase’s 2012 Soccer Season (U-8)


I didn’t take a lot of pictures this season! I didn’t want to pretend that Chase had a good ol’ time. He did play hard every time and was the best on his team, not gonna lie. But he didn’t really enjoy playing soccer this year, which was a surprise because it’s always been his favorite sport!

Perhaps he might be getting tired of sports for the time being… Gasp! What?? In his six years of life, I believe the only sports he’s done are: Gymnastics, swimming (2 sessions), ice skating (4x), soccer (3x), kickball, hockey, karate, & trampoline/tumbling. Why would he be burnt out?!?  I mean, come on. Just kidding. I think what he really wants to do is run around with friends all day! So that’s all he’s doing these days after school. And we’re okay with that!


Some spectators, Mollie & Charlotte. Their expressions sum up their excitement about the game.




Charlotte was looking all sweet & sentimental as she was watching Chase’s last game, so I was about to take a picture of her, when she suddenly threw on this spaz face. Silly girl.


Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures Family Fun

Chase The First Grader



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Yes, he’s big now. Yes, he’s gone all day now. It’s exciting! Every day he whines about having to go to school, but I think he kind of likes it anyway. He has a great teacher (Ms. Chatterley), who has been teaching for 28 years.




I get to have girl time with these cuties! We’re also doing Joy School at home with Charlotte & friends. (Weird that when she starts kindergarten, Chase will be starting 3rd grade)!




Chase Adventures Family Fun

The Y Hike


Chase had been wanting to Hike the Y for quite a while. Pace & I weren’t exactly eager to take the two younger girls along on such a venture. So when my dad was here for a dental convention/Education week, Pace was nice enough to stay home with the girls one evening while Dad, Chase, & I hiked the Y.

Can you tell that Chase was pleased to have finally realized his dream?



Don’t even worry about it that my dad had already hiked it once before, on that morning! Sheesh, he’s so hardcore.


Chase Chase Adventures

Beware of the Chase-inator

Chase is playing Mini Mites Hockey this winter.


Too cute!… I mean… fierce, rough, & tough!




But don’t worry, he’s not all tough guy these days. He has a special tenderness in his heart for this little tiny sister. He rocked her to sleep in the rocking chair for her nap yesterday morning.


Chase cares about Caroline a lot. Any moment that she starts crying, he tells me anxiously that I need to pick her up! Otherwise, he takes the initiative because he can’t stand to hear her cry for more than one second.

Chase brought this drawing home from his church class a couple weeks ago, & it made my heart melt.


Chase Chase Adventures

Our Big Boy

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Chase recently finished a great soccer season with his team, The Tigers.

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Chase has definitely found “his sport!” He LOVES playing soccer, it’s a great outlet for him, and he’s good at it too. I’m bragging, yes. We were proud to watch him do his thing out there. If only the soccer season were longer than 1 stinkin’ month! (next few photos courtesy of Rachel)




In other news, Chase recently carved a zucchini guy that sat on our porch for a few days to greet visitors.



I definitely let all our zucchini get out-of-control large. I thought it was kinda cool, until my Mom said that you’re supposed to pick zucchini when it’s small so it will taste good, & so the plant can put its energy into making more zucchini rather than sustaining the big ones. Lesson learned! (But at least we’ve enjoyed tons of zucchini, delicious tomatoes, and even some bell peppers, mint, & thyme from our garden.)

Below are just a couple pics of Chase from when we were at the Museum of Ancient Life (with GG & Charlotte). He looks like such a little angel. Haha!



Chase Chase Adventures

Ready to Take on the World!

So, here’s our Kindergarten Boy. First day of school today.


There’s no denying that our kindergartener, Chase, is full of energy, opinions, & curiosity.



Just this morning, he:

Showered & got dressed, made some things with his Legos, scarfed down a banana because I made him eat SOMETHING, listened to a story, made a few paper crafts (a butterfly for me, some boats, & even the Eiffel Tower), did a couple chores, did a science experiment from a box to explore acids vs. bases, had a neighbor friend over to play, watched a TV show on Benjamin Franklin, and did his own music experiment with glasses & varying amounts of water (pictured below). THIS WAS ALL BEFORE LUNCHTIME at 11:30 am! Whew.

There never has been & never will be any stopping this guy!


But when it came down to it, Chase was a little apprehensive about his first day of school today.


In the car, I told him that it’s normal to feel nervous about something we don’t know about yet, & that he’d probably feel better once we walked him to his class. We said a prayer together in the car. He was still a little hesitant before entering the classroom, however, & didn’t want any pictures taken. But I quickly took a couple of his faux smiley face.



Chase was just fine after walking inside, seeing Mrs. Miner’s friendly face, finding his name tag, & sitting at a table with his friend Vaughn (who was on his soccer team last year).


I’m SO excited that he’s in school now. Personally, I loved elementary school & all my fun teachers, and I hope he will, too. We’re all ready for Chase to be back in school!


(They look so cute & I am so…. pregnant. 2 WEEKS LEFT!)


Very fun day. At the same time, as I said goodbye to Chase, my voice caught a little & I was feeling a tiny bit emotional. Probably pregnancy hormones, as usual… But seriously, I didn’t know why I felt the least bit weird leaving him, since we already did a year of Joy School AND preschool to gear up for the real thing! And kindergarten is only 2 1/2 hours per day, anyway!

But I guess part of me was thinking, Oh my, he’s getting older. And here we go on the slippery slope of SCHOOL! No turning back! & we’ll be doing this every day! And he’ll be graduating from elementary school before we know it…

Well, here’s to enjoying the journey!

Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures Family Fun

Beach Day

This is my last California post!

Our beach outing was wonderful! It wasn’t cold or windy, so it was just perfect. And the overcast skies made the shadow-free pictures so easy & fun to take. I love the photos I was able to get (despite not having the skills)!


Chase & Charlotte were so very busy & happy at the beach (until the very end, when Chase had some sort of awful stomach cramp & tantrum rolled into one & we just had to book it outta there… But we won’t dwell on that).



The huge pile of seaweed was disgustingly fascinating.

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Chase constructed a “water obstacle course” in the sand.



Charlotte collected treasures.


Grandma had a cold, but was a good sport & still had fun!



Quite the collection of beach treasures.


I love these two photos of Charlotte.



Afterwards, we stopped by the notorious pink & white striped shop. I’d never been inside! Chase was still throwing a wild fit & screaming in the car, so I left my long-suffering mother with him while Charlotte & I went in to check out the whimsical little shop.

I was amazed by the variety of unique salt water taffy flavors they had there: Buttered Popcorn, Pomegranate, Birthday Cake, & Root Beer Float, to name a few! I bought salt water taffy, some little polished rocks, shark teeth for Chase, & a bracelet/necklace thing for Charlotte. Yes, my kids are spoiled. I’m working on it…

Charlotte wouldn’t take her eyes off of her bracelet for a quick photo! You just can’t separate this girl from her jewelry.



Chase Adventures

Chase’s Life on the Farm

Kids have such a unique viewpoint of things. Sometimes I won’t even notice something or think it’s that great, but my kids will see the awesomeness in ordinary things, point it out, & it’s suddenly an exciting thing.

Chase was the only one who was intensely THRILLED when he & Grandpa discovered that one of my parents’ trees had fallen across the road & needed to be hauled out to the field. After sprinting inside the house to announce it to the rest of us, he headed out with Grandpa to take care of this urgent matter. I got out there in time to take a few shots.




Driving without Grandpa’s help– very focused on his important job. I love it!


Another hard day’s work is done.


Chase cracks me up. He is a very intense, curious child who always wants to be busy & doing projects. Frankly, he’s a major handful for me… But he cracks me up.


I went outside to round him up for bedtime that evening, but Grandpa was testing out the big water faucets, so I couldn’t very easily pull Chase away.


He enjoyed turning this big one on & off & seeing how powerful the flow was.



Then Grandpa suggested that he strip down since he was already drenched…


…Alright! Par-tay!!!! (I could not stop laughing.)



He’d run through the raging water & it would throw him forward a foot or two. Pure delight!




Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures Family Fun

Fire Station & Jaws of Life

We went to a 4th of July Firemen’s Breakfast at my grandma’s local fire station. It was bright & early, & a fun way to start the day!





After breakfast, we watched a demonstration of how the Jaws of Life are used to slice open a wrecked car with a victim trapped inside (in this case a dummy was used). It was very sobering to imagine experiencing that severe of a car accident.

This fireman recommended against keeping lots of junk in the car, because if you’re in an accident, all that stuff will be thrown around & can injure you. Pace will be glad to know that I’m going to try to keep extra junk out of our minivan! At least I’ll try…


Pretend that the boy below that’s holding the Jaws of Life is Chase. Chase had a turn holding those heavy Jaws of Life, but I missed the photo op. Smile


Chase Adventures

Play (Kick)ball!

The evening before we left for California, Chase had his last kickball game. We were glad he’d had a good time & that he’d had a friendly, patient coach.



In order to keep things simple for all the 5-year-olds, they weren’t allowed to run more than one base at a time or get anyone out. Pace didn’t know that at the first game, so he enthusiastically yelled to Chase to keep running around the bases after kicking the ball. Pace was quickly put in his place by the coach. Smile


Chase was glad that his buddy Jaxon was on his team! (& one kid was missing from the team picture.)


Chase enjoyed the kickball season, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed the soccer season last year. He’ll start soccer in about 6 weeks (along with KINDERGARTEN), and he can hardly wait!