
Boy or Girl?

I am now 21 weeks along, and I had the exciting ultrasound today! Great news: The baby looks healthy as far as we/the doctor can tell!

I’ve been trying to think of something creative to do to reveal whether our baby is a boy or girl… the internet hasn’t offered any fun ideas… and Chase keeps climbing all over me and the keyboard. SO just look at the words below, and since I am 21 weeks along, the 21st word will tell you what our baby is, a girl or a boy! Haha fun!


Make sure you counted right! Haha corny, I know!

For those of you who can’t count.. I’ve remade Joy’s game


Important Announcement!

“About one of eight known pregnancies is lost in the first trimester.” But I don’t care. Joy is pregnant!! Woo hooo! Yes we just found out, and Joy didn’t want me to post this.. but who cares we are having another baby. And if she miscarries then you can all join in the fun of knowing about it. Love ya’ll!
(and PS if you think about calling us tonight, our cell phone is dead, so call our house line)


Man in the mirror

Starting with the man in the mirror, I’ve started on a path of self change. This life changing experience can be done with or without religion, drugs, or doctors. You will need muscles and determination. What is this life changing program?


Let me explain how I came to this conclusion. I recently had some time to sit in bed without my family in the house, nice and quite. I decided I didn’t like the way I was acting. I seemed to be pessimistic, always looking for how to insult or complain; and not that I always vocalized it but the thoughts would always come. Thinking that wasn’t the type of person I used to be, or want to be, I decided I’d figure out how to change. So after many repeat plays of Michal Jackson, and 4 day trip with my boss, the impression hit me in the airport on the way home to my amazing family. You should be smiling, you have an awesome life and you are headed home to have a great time. Smile.

So off I was, set to smile no matter the perceived consequences. As we were waiting to board the plane, I smiled. As I went to the bathroom, I smiled. As we sat down in our seats I smiled. And I felt great! For the first time that week I was excited and enthusiastic. This was great! Then I looked over and saw the stewardess, she seemed to have a long day and was not smiling about this red eye flight to UT. So I determined I would smile at her and see if this was contagious. She started into the safety speech, I think I was the only one watching, and for sure the only one smiling at her. Then as she came by for drinks she was met with more smiling and politness. By the end of the flight she was smiling! It worked, it is contagious.

So now for the experiment. I need to smile as much as possible for a whole week and see how I feel and who else around me catches on. I’ll tell you now it’s not as easy as you think. You’re face starts to hurt, and you frequently forget that you should be smiling. So, I challenge you to join my experiment. Smile as much as you can this week, smile when you usually wouldn’t, in the car driving by yourself, in the morning, at work, smile all the time. You’ll be amazed at the change in your attitude and in the reactions that you’ll get from around you. Report back her in the comments, I’ll start off the reporting with my experience with Joy.



So I moved today, Connie the Irish lady moved downstairs so I moved into her cubicle. Which is closer to my boss, so I guess I’m moving up… 🙂

I moved from here:
Old Cube
To here:
New Cube

First Day at work

So today I started at Vital Smarts, and it looks like I’m joining the dark side again. I walked into my amazingly large cubicle to find a brand new iMac sitting there. I currently long for a two button mouse… The day was filled with meeting people and forms and meetings. I’m scheduled to take Crucial Conversation training all day Wed and Thursday. So next time you see me, I’ll be better at expressing my feelings. All in all, looks like this is going to be a great place to work. And now I’m really tired, seeing how Chase waited till Midnight to throw up last night… and the nurse says it isn’t DR worthy till it’s been 2 weeks of throwing up… arg.



Chase has been sick and throwing up all day. He hasn’t kept any food or liquid down for a while now. Please pray for his quick recovery. Thank you.


Time for change

It’s quickly getting colder here in UT. Leaves have fallen, and it looks like the winter wasteland only deserts can provide. All this change motivated me to get a new job, ok not really the weather change… I’ll be moving over to Vitalsmarts on Dec 17th as their webmaster and all things tech (official title). I’ve really loved Eli Kirk and Novell, and am a little sad to go. Hopefully the boost in my paycheck will help soften the pain. Vitalsmarts is up in Orem right near Cotton’s house, so maybe I’ll be stopping in more now. They focus on company training and have written three books to help you be more effective. So if anyone is looking for a great company to work with and have some xhtml skills, my old spot is open at Eli Kirk.


Our Cutie Boy

I just wanted an excuse to post a few photos of our now 18-month-old child! Where has all the time gone? I don’t know. But what I do know is that we have one busy, cute, entertaining boy. Yesterday I found Chase sitting contentedly in the bathroom sink (see photos). I think he wanted to put makeup on like Mommy does. Apparently he got up there by climbing onto the toilet, stepping on the toilet paper thing, and pulling himself up. Hence the nickname "little monkey." I think he’s been watching too much Curious George in the mornings!

The sweater photo is one I snapped this morning when I was trying to round him up to take him to the doctor’s office. He’s had cold after cold already this season, which I suppose can be traced back to nursery (always the culprit). But yesterday, he started having a bit of a croupy cough (I don’t really know how to spell it– I don’t reckon I’ve ever written that word in my life). The guests we had over for dinner commented on how he was breathing like Darth Vader, which he was. So after a sleepless night of crying and wheezing and coughing, I took him to his wonderful pediatrician. In the car on the way there, I told Chase that we were going to the doctor, and he said "Hi Doctor!" However, he was no longer excited when the nurse put a mask over Chase’s face so that he would breathe in some medicinal vapor to open up his constricted throat. That didn’t really go over as well as the nurse had anticipated, what with all the kicking and screaming. So then he was disturbed further when they injected some more medicine into his leg that would help keep his throat open for the next little while. Apparently he has a more severe form of the croup than I ever remember having! The doctor said that if Chase didn’t seem improved by tonight, he should go to the hospital. Luckily, he seems a lot better than he did last night. We are just keeping the humidifier going, exposing him to some cooler air, etc. Let’s hope this thing doesn’t go on much longer!

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Holy Tomatoes!

We already had plenty of snow last weekend, and supposedly there’s more to come in the near future. So our huge over-watered tomato plants are probably done producing for the season because it’s gotten colder. We planted them a little late (in June) so all the little green tomatoes were just barely turning red… However, I just wanted to show off one of the big ones that we got from those plants. We had a few that were this size. And thanks to the TParents for getting the tomato plants for us!

Also– HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to my now 22-year-old "baby brother" Gino, and also to Pace’s Grandpa Lipps!!! Hooray!




I wanted to share these pics, and there are new McVideos.

My buds, Isaac and Han Solo Jr.  Bonding Time  Grumpy Old Wet Men
Ahhh cute  Apple, please send us money for this pic