
Gardner Village and Tai Pan

These are magical words here in Utah, because any female in this state is capable of spending hundreds of dollars in one trip to either of these places. Well, such was not really the case for Becky and me today, but it was a fun day nonetheless. First of all, the company for this outing was great, because I love Becky and her two (almost 3) daughters! Those girls are entertainment personified. Chase was entertaining today, too, but for a different reason… He kept wanting to run away from me and jump into the water where the ducks were swimming at Gardner Village (in Sandy). He was incredibly antsy and active today, not that that’s unusual. I think it was extra challenging because of the semi-long car ride to get to our destinations. So at Gardner Village, we managed to browse through ONE charming little store, out of like 30, before we decided that it wasn’t worth the wrestling of the children (namely CHASE). We vowed to go back sometime– WITHOUT the squirmy ones! We DID visit the ridiculously delicious bakery to have lunch and a treat, although Chase made a game of constantly running around the place and out the doors. We then called it quits, sort of… Once we got back in the car, we decided to take our chances at one more stop, also in Sandy, called Tai Pan Trading. I hadn’t ever been to this place, but I had heard enough to know I wanted to check it out. It turned out to be a huge warehouse of home decor; bigger than I could have imagined! Home decor heaven. I told myself I would not purchase anything ("I will resist. I will resist!"), but boy was there lots of temptation! I managed to end the day having only spent a few dollars for lunch and 2 mugs that were $1 each. So I am conquerer!!! I justified that mug purchase because they were a "need", not just a "want"– we didn’t have any microwave-safe mugs for hot chocolate, okay?!?  OKAY! 🙂

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“Tee Tee Teet!” (aka “Trick or treat”)

Yes, Halloween was SUCH a long time ago, but we have had computer issues lately, so here I am finally posting about Halloween. Basically it was pretty fun, and I’ll admit I was as into it– if not more into it– than Chase was. First, we got to go to Daddy’s work to trick-or-treat around the offices. I wasn’t sure how this would all pan out. I was surprised at how easy it was to convince Chase to wear the tiger costume (courtesy of the TGrandparents) and to get his face drawn on with my eyeliner. And then when we got there, he caught on to the idea of getting candy pretty easily. However, he would rarely say trick-or-treat or thank you, which irked us because he knows how to talk and everything now! He’s just too modest about his talents… 😉 Everyone said he was sooo cute. So then Rachel came over in her hot little cat costume– I just sported the simple cowgirl look. We took Chase around while Pace stayed home to watch Star Trek and hand out candy. It was a lot of fun because we know most of the people in this area, seeing as how it’s our ward. We probably made it to about 35 houses! It was awesome. Chase would only occasionally say trick or treat ("tee tee teet!"). But apparently that was acceptable because he got plenty of candy out of it! I kept trying to convince him to grab the chocolate candies out of the bowls, but to no avail… he kept taking the suckers because those are his sticky favorite for some reason– just ask Rachel about the texture of her hair by the end of the evening! Anywho. It was a great time for all!  

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Paul Tryp McCulloch 1981 ~ 2007


Paul McCulloch passed away this morning at the Clear Creek Care Center. He will be missed, and his example will be remembered. I wanted to take this time to talk about Paul and about the plan of God. Paul was mentally handicapped for most of his life, suffering from crippling physical deformities and blocked by slow to no mental development. When doctors told my mom this would alter his growth and life they estimated he would not live past the age of 12. Well, eat it doctors, he doubled that and then some! I learned a great deal from my twin brother. He taught me how to be patient, and serve selflessly. As kids we always knew that dinner wasn’t served until Paul had eaten. You see mom would make the food, then take some and blend it up for Paul and feed him, even though sometimes he didn’t want it. Then after she felt he was full she served the rest of us dinner at the table. I will never forget that precious sight and hard work of my mom as she provided care and nourishment for her family day after day.

Paul wasn’t able to recognize many things in this world. But he always knew when mom was around. The only times I remember Paul smiling was when Mom was talking to him. I used to sit and watch Paul and wonder what he was thinking, or if. I believe he knew more than we thought, I know he learned to recognize his mother, and who knows what else.

It is important we come to learn of our parents, earthly and heavenly, learn what they want from us. Our Heavenly Father has prepared a plan for us. That plan included leaving His presence, receiving a body, learning to make decisions with our agency based on eternal law, learning to act on faith, and leaving this mortal body to await the resurrection. I know that Paul’s spirit will be reunited with his physical body, but it will be a perfected body. And together we will rejoice in the atonement that Jesus Christ made for us. I know that Christ was resurrected and because He was, we all will. I am grateful to God for His plan and for Jesus Christ. I know that Paul is now in His service and more comfortable than he ever was while on earth. Love ya Paul, and I’ll miss ya till we meet again.

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Oil and water

Oil and water don’t mix, neither do selfishness and parenthood. I am amazed at Joy and all that she does. I’ve never had a cleaner pillowcase in all my life, she does the wash perfectly twice a week. I never worry about dirt, germs or anything unwanted staying around longer than 2 hours. She is a great example of selflessness. I was amazed at this article today.

Sometime around the spring of 2005, a homeless single mother in Oakland, Calif., posted an advertisement on Craigslist trying to give away her 3-year-old daughter….

Esperanza seemed to be at her wits’ end at the time. Elizabeth House staff recalled that she would yell and scream at the toddler, ignore A.J. for lengthy periods of time, and talk of getting rid of A.J. and heading to Italy. Esperanza’s grandmother, Nona W., was worried enough to repeatedly call the Department of Children and Family Services in Alameda County (which includes Oakland), to no avail.

An evaluation by a child psychologist that year concluded: “Her behaviors suggest that she places her needs before that of her daughter. She expects her daughter’s sleep and feeding routine to accommodate to her adult lifestyle. Her disciplining methods appear to be harsh. Also, she expects a level of independence in her daughter which she may be incapable of at her age.”

I wanted to give a big thank you to all you mothers out there who do a great job worrying, cleaning, protecting and nurturing. God bless you.

Chase Personal

Our Wakey-Head

For about the last 5 weeks or so, Chase has gone back to his old ways of waking every couple of hours throughout the night. I think that this new ritual is mainly due to the fact that he has just gotten over 2 colds and the croup, all in a row. Last night I went in there a few times to comfort him, and then around 6:30 am, I asked Pace to take over (because I was completely exhausted). Pace took a folding chair in there and rubbed Chase’s back for a while, I guess. Anyway, at about 7:15 or so Chase woke up once more, and Pace just went and brought him to me in the bed to see if at least Chase and I could go back to sleep. Chase ended up sleeping until 10 am, and I wasn’t about to wake him up, either! He woke up after I had showered, gotten ready, cleaned, etc. It was kind of nice. I could tell he was awake because I heard him up there saying, "Eh-pyene, in thew, eh-pyene" over and over. (Translation: "Airplane, in there, airplane.") I walked in and he was pointing to the bathroom door, but I didn’t really know what he was talking about. He must have heard the recycle truck in the cul-de-sac behind our house or something. Anyway, that was pretty cute. I took him into his room and the folding chair was still there from the father-son “bonding time” early this morning. Chase pointed to it and exclaimed, "Daddy!" I had to chuckle. He’s just so funny now that he can talk! (Below are some random photos.)

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Church… what’s that?

Today we experienced a very odd thing. A complete day at church. We actually experienced church today because Chase was a very good boy. We are so proud of him choosing to be good. He was quite and staid within 10 feet of us throughout sacrament meeting. He would start to walk away, then as if there was an invisible fence, turn and come back to us. Then he went to nursery without any concern of where his parents were for the next two hours! Joy said she really enjoyed actually going to Sunday school, and I enjoyed elders quorum. Church is really useful when you get to listen! So when you talk to Chase next, make sure to tell him what a good boy he is. 🙂


Which way?

Which way is the dancer spinning?

Clockwise? Counterclockwise?

See the answer


Sugar Cookie Monster

Chase was being quiet in the kitchen. This is what I walked in on…  (click to enlarge photos)

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Fall Fun

Chase likes to:

–ride Daddy’s scooter

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–play outside in the leaves (that blow over to our lawn from the neighbors’ tree)

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–help me "organize" the drawers


–be cute.

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Two Dozen Colorful Roses!

Pace came home from work yesterday and surprised me with this beautiful bouquet of 2 dozen roses! I was very pleased, and shocked, to say the least. What a thoughtful guy! I only have this one cute yet small vase, so they are kind of squished in there… maybe if I make it to the store today I’ll get a bigger one– I need to be prepared for future bouquets, you know!!!  😉

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