
Nike Contacts

Sunglasses inside your eyes! Plus, scare your opponents with the color change! This is sweet, but where’s the pricetag?

“The company has teamed up with contact lens maker Bausch and Lomb to create performance-enhancing contact lenses called MaxSight. They’re a tinted version of daily disposal lenses for athletes that reduce glare and improve visual acuity.

They block nearly all the sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays just like sunglasses, but their optics can also give athletic performance a boost.”

-Full Story-


New Poll System

Wow, isn’t that cool! Look to the right, it’s a new polling system. Thanks to Ryan for sharing the info on where to get a polling system easily installed. This weeks poll… the baby spelling. Next week, the world!


Maybe a new phone

In an attempt to make themselves sound cool and useful, Cingular has released a new phone called the SLVR that cross breeds the RAZR and the ROKR. An ultra sleek phone that acts like an iPod and can do video. Hmm, who cares about that crap, can it recieve incoming calls?


My Stinkular Phone

Well I would’ve written this yesterday but it was too late after I finished dealing with Cingular. After being cut off from Cingular’s tech support on Monday, I was urged strongly from Joy to try again. I called in around noon, at 4:30 I arrived home for the last time from the Cingular store. When all was said and done, I have a new phone a new sim card and STILL can’t recieve many incoming calls. The best they can figure land lines can get through but not other cell phoens. This was categorized as an unkown network phenomonon that was occuring with my phone number only. Hmmm, I wonder if it’s always policy for the NSA to cut off people’s incoming calls. Anyway, please be patient with me as Cingular fixes the network that only my phone number is on, if you need to get a hold of me, it will be best to call Joy’s phone which sits right next to mine most of the day, figure that one out.


The A-Team

iTunes has been adding video content very consistently for a while now, they just added Nickalodeon, MTV crap, and Disney shows. While checking it out I saw the A-team!!! Available for download, only $1.99 an episope… if only money grew on trees so we could all own the A-team and watch em whenever we wanted. I thought about buying it and justifing it as training videos for the baby, because I’d love for him to know all the stuff the A-team knows. Another tempting show is the Alfred Hitchcock vintage collection, seems like those could fill any boring nights. So I thought I’d let any rich bored people know that entertainment awaits on iTunes.