
General Update and more

Yesterday was a nice day, we finished off some steak that needed to be eaten before it went bad. Survivor was excellent, the Office wasn’t. And Joy scheduled a 30 min massage for me after work. SO I showed up to The Xango Spa where I waited for my masseuse to get me and instruct me. Well this guy from somewhere else in the world comes out and doesn’t really speak english, says his name and I don’t catch it. Anyway goes on to give me a massage that was nice. He didn’t really massage me as much as just rub my back, I think I’ve had more engaging massages from strangers on a crowded bus. Lets say I would rather get a massage from Joy herself. I think the important thing was interaction, the person has to make you feel comfortable and confident that they know what they are doing…
When I woke up this morning and I couldn’t turn my head to the left! Arg, so much pain… why why free massage must you have to have been so bad…

Other places of interest to mention: The Price is Right’s last live show will be May 16th, it’s was always my favorite to stay home sick and watch The Price is Right.
Also, Darin and Nada were in a car wreck, even though they haven’t mentioned it on their blog yet… a student from a nearby university wasn’t paying attention and plowed into the side of them scrapping the entire side of Nada’s car. Stay tuned to their blog for more info and any questions.