

OK this has to have it’s own post after last night! WOW, so if you DVRed it, here’s what you’ll learn. –The Others are not Dharma Initiative, they killed off all DHARMA except Ben… (sidenote)what about the guy that was in the Pearl, before Desmond? was he dharma but ok b/c he was underground? or is he an other that manned the station after the take over?(end sidenote). You’ll also learn that Ben was not born on the island, but in Portland, he’s seen his dead mom on the island, (Smokey?) has a crush named Annie (did he let her die?), he killed his own dad (that why he made Locke prove himself?), and he sees invisible people. Speaking of invisible people, why didn’t Locke go back in during the DAY!? And what’s with the grey powder/sand that looked like it circles around Jacob’s yard? Is it keeping him in? Yes this image is the one frame when they showed a man sitting in the chair.
We also learn that Jack and Kate are the most annoying characters on the show, and Juliet is close to being third. Why did she tell Sawyer to flip the tape over!? That made her look even worse, why was no one mad!? I predict some major players are going to die soon, and that Locke will NOT die, but be saved by something islandy, then come back and dethrone Ben.

What did ya’ll think?