
Need speed?

So I’ve been very annoyed with our speed of our internet lately. It seems to have slowed, so I called Comcast. They came out and told me everything was great. And the guy pinged a server in Vegas as a test. Well I was getting 4Mbps (megabytes per second) and we pay for 8Mbps.. he said it was b/c of the router I was seeing 4 not 8 (not true), so later I took the router out of the loop and still was getting 4 to the server in Vegas. So James comes today and says everything is normal, and that the server in Vegas was the problem, and that Adam was incorrect in stating the router was definitely limiting, but actually windows was probably the one limiting. James also said I should try using a tool on called the broadband optimizer. This lil app tweaks your windows xp settings to make sure your network card is allowing the proper amount through. So I said ok whatever I’ll try it when I get home. Well I grabbed it here at work to see what it did. I didn’t need a speed boost here at the Novell campus, I get 25Mbps, but I thought, heck I’ll ramp this thing up as high as it goes. Well, I ran a speed test at and I now instead of 25Mbps I got 100Mbps, with a 10Mbps upload… THAT’S INSANE!


Here is the proof. So now I can’t wait to get home and see what I get at home after I run this thing. So far I highly recommend running this thing!