
Future of Computing

Remember that scene in Ironman when Penny types translate and it starts playing the video in english for her. I thought yeah right, maybe in 75 years or something… well I must be in a time machine. Ubiquity coming from Mozilla Labs pretty much proves that firefox is the best browser ever. This deal will be able to give you access to all parts of the internet without leaving the screen your on. And embed/lookup/access multiple services at one time. Big deal you say, I can go to multiple sites at one time. Oh yeah I say back, go find the chinese government website, translate it, email me the copy, then send me a map to the nearest airport so I can get to China. Now do ti from your mobile phone. The future my friends. Time for the movies to become reality.

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

Thanks Cotton