
Web Must Haves

I decided to help out a bit on this boring Friday. If you get online 4 times a week, the following list should be a part of your life. I’ve decided to compile of list of things you should be using if you have the internet at your house.

  1. Gmail – This email program is web based and has so many features I can’t shake a stick at them all. As a geek, trust me, you shouldn’t be using _________ (fill in the blank) as your email. Sign up for gmail right now.
  2. Google Reader – wow! If you’re not using this you are probably wasting hours online! This is a RSS reader. It goes to each website you tell it to and grabs the latest content. Making so you don’t have to go to each webpage, you just have to hit up your reader and see if anything peeks your interest. For example if you “subscribe” to McBlog’s content Feed, each new post will get delivered to your reader. If you “subscribe” to the McBlog comments, each new comment will get deliver to your reader. You won’t miss another thing. The image on this post is the univeral symbol for RSS feed, if you click it 99% of the time you’ll add the pages feed to your reader.
  3. Firefox browser – still the best browser out there. 3.1 (coming out soon) will put it as the most advanced browser available. And yes I do plan on putting special content on McBlog for everyone running Firefox 3.1. If you love IE and must have it, upgrade to IE 8 which doesn’t seem that bad as it actually renders McBlog properly with CSS 2 support and has some cool blogging features.
  4. How about instant messaging you ask… hmm that one’s hard, I do use it everyday but I still haven’t found one network that everyone agrees on. That forces you to get a program that can log into multiple networks to see all your buds. If you follow the above advice, Google Talk with video support is built into Gmail. Coincedentally that is what I’m logged into all day long via iChat.

Well that’s about it for me, what do you use on a daily basis and what does it do for you?