
Help our store out

Hey, want to help out the store Joy and I own, but you don’t want to buy anything.. that’s understandable. We’ll take a link instead!

Use one of the links below to link to us from your website:

<a href="" title="My favorite place for CTR rings">CTR Rings</a>

<a href="" title="Awesome LDS artwork, at an amazing price!">LDS Artwork</a>

Respectively this generates a link like this: CTR Rings or this: LDS Artwork

Ok, but why? Well, while we would love you to buy stuff, truth is, we wouldn’t charge you very much b/c you are our friends, and we’d have to pay taxes, bleh! If you put a link like this on your website that has the text “CTR Rings” or “LDS Artwork” and then google sees that, google says hey, must be a good place for CTR rings and LDS Art. Then it moves up the search result list when people search for those words. Helping us move up the search list is the best gift you could give us.

Oh I saw your site listed when I searched for CTR rings, so I clicked on it a bunch of times! Isn’t that great!?

No. No it’s not. One of two things happened, either you clicked on my ad a bunch of times, costing me money. Or you clicked our site a bunch of times and then didn’t go to another page, so google thinks you didn’t like the site. Either way, you didn’t help me.

So if you were wondering lately what you could do to help us out.. I’ve just answered your question! If you are really feeling generous you’d tell you friends about, or even write a whole blog post about how awesome CTR rings and LDS artwork from are.



As requested I made some image links, respectively:

Let me know if you want a different size for your sidebar/content, I’d be happy to whip one up.
And here is the code to use one of these:

<a href="" title="CTR rings, LDS art, and other LDS products at 10% or more off retail"><img src="" alt="" height="125" width="125" style="border:2px solid #3C4A64;" /></a>

<a href="" title="CTR rings, LDS art, and other LDS products at 10% or more off retail"><img src="" alt="" height="110" width="250" style="border:2px solid #3C4A64;" /></a>