
Windows Live Writer 2011 Rules!

OK first and most important! If you are a blogger… and I know there are lots of you who are, I will tell you right now what you should be using to blog. Use Microsoft’s Window Live Writer 2011!! It’s by far the best blogging tool available today and it’s FREE! It will allow you to blog to almost any blog framework, has AMAZING image handling and image preferences setup. It’s what I set Joy up with to blog with and look at how much she loves it! It’s only for PC, mac peeps, sorry you’ve got NOTHING close to this. The best you’ve got is MarsEdit (sorry).

Microsoft’s Windows Live Writer 2011Go download it now for FREE!

P.S. Did you here that all Microsoft Live blogs will be imported over to!?!?! That’s HUGE!

UPDATE: As Nathan pointed out, it’s out of the evil beta. So now everyone can get it. (well except mac peeps still)

Next, I saw this and had to share it.