
MORE to worry about…

I like to know what is in the food my family is eating. Our modern foods kind of scare me. I’m not super informed about our foods, and I’m not a hardcore nutritionist by any means, but I am aware that so much of what we eat is full of pesticides, preservatives, and all sorts of nasty stuff. I do prefer to buy some organic foods. And I like to avoid partially hydrogenated oils because they fatten us up in a jiffy, but they also harm our bodies by not letting essential fatty acids through. Side note: You might be surprised to know that partially hydrogenated oils are found in a lot of snacks and foods that we eat and feed our kids all the time, like ALL PEANUT BUTTER that is not organic, baking mixes, margarine, some candy, hot cocoa mix, candy bars, crackers, graham crackers, rolls and breads, and LOTS of different snacks. And we’re generally consuming way too much sugar and sodium. But now, I am shocked to find that there’s something else that we need to avoid: LEAD!

Does anyone else feel a little bit stressed about what’s going on with our food? I think that all we can do is try to be selective about what we eat. I debate all the time about buying organic, or buying cheap. Because organic is NOT cheap. Lately we’ve spent more on groceries, but knowing that at least SOME of our food is free of hormones, preservatives, and pesticides makes me feel better.

This other subject comes to mind: There’s an unfortunate fact that incidents of autism have increased by over 600% in recent years (Pace and I watched an investigation of this specific issue). Some blame immunizations (and avoid them at all costs, which causes a resurfacing of diseases that we haven’t had to worry about in decades… But that’s another issue for another day…). However, study after study has shown that there’s absolutely no correlation between autism and immunizations/thimerosal (preservative in immunizations). Could it be something in our food, or something to do with modern technology, that is causing this shocking increase? I wonder about this. Any thoughts?