Charlotte Family Fun

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Well, the snow has finally come. Day after tomorrow is predicted to have a high of 13 degrees. bleh!! Sorry, but I just don’t like it much. (Except for the fact that I don’t have to shave my legs very often now.) SOOooo we’ve been playing inside most of the time! But we’re having fun.

Chase & Charlotte like to play with things that aren’t toys, especially kitchen things, and they use their imagination a lot. I think in the photo below they were floating on little boats in the ocean. They’re fun kids! Chase is a great older brother and he takes the lead with all their pretend play (usually “dogs” is what they like to play). I’m so glad they have each other!

Pilgrim headed toward Plymouth Rock, perhaps??

See that dented wood on the banister thing to the right of Chase? Well, he decided to pound it with a spoon, thus creating those marks. Yeah, we have one of THOSE crazy kid houses with dents and stains and such. I can’t quite keep up!

Charlotte has all of a sudden been pushing and hitting Chase for no apparent reason, so she’s been frequenting the time-out chair. (After committing the crime, she immediately shouts “Sah-ee!!” to apologize and try to get out of doing the time-out, but it doesn’t work that way.) It’s been going well, and Chase has been amused to find that sweet, innocent little sister has been visiting the infamous time-out chair!  She didn’t have a naughty bone in her body ‘til about a week ago, but even so, she’s still quite the sweetie pie. IMG_1291

Charlotte really enjoys the song “No One” by Alicia Keys. She requests it quite often, including the other night on our way out to the car for our own little girls night (an Old Navy trip—she’s really fun to shop with!). So we often get to listen to “No One” over & over again in the car! I guess the simple lyrics are a hit with toddlers, because I remember Chase loving that song at about the same age. Even though Charlotte’s hitting the rambunctious age, I’m loving it because she can talk a lot more now and is more entertaining then ever.  Smile

We need to break Charlotte of the binky soon, but I just love when she has it and she nuzzles her blankie under her nose. Binky + blankie = instant tranquilizers => bliss.