Family Fun Personal

A December Update!

We’ve been enjoying this Christmas season! It was nice to get all the shopping done early this year, because we’ve been able to just relax. Luckily, I had nowhere I needed to go today, because we had a very large dumping of snow, probably the most snow that’s come at once, since I’ve lived in Utah! When it comes to the freezing white stuff, the tricky thing is that Chase LOVES being out there, whereas Charlotte HATES it. I’m not a huge fan either, so I generally just tell Chase he can go out and play while Charlotte & I peer out the window at him from inside the warm house. Lame of us, I know! But as soon as Pace is off work in a few days, we’ll all have to go sledding somewhere so our poor little boy can have some real snowy fun! Luckily, he has a blast when neighbor kids are out there (like this afternoon) & he joins in their adventures.

We’ve had lots of family adventures lately, despite my lack of photos. I’m bad at remembering to take pictures!!! Lately, I am feeling comfortable “managing” our two kids and I’m enjoying how much fun they are. Last night, we saw the movie Tangled, which was great, especially because it was the first movie Charlotte has sat through (it was only her 2nd time going to a theater). We have a great time with our kids. I am working on my patience and trying to get down and play with them more. Today I had some Little People “oohing & ahhing” at all of Chase’s awesome stunts with his boats & planes… For about an hour. Chase LOVED it!

Over the weekend, we went to a UVU basketball home game (vs. Utah State), where Grandaddy Jim was doing the radio announcing. We saw a few people that we knew which is always great, the atmosphere was exciting, and the game would have been enjoyable… But 3 rows behind us was a group of rowdy/loud/crude USU fans that were indirectly teaching Chase some naughty words… So we left to put the kids to bed up at Pace’s parents’ house, where we spent the night.

Pace & I went to the Conference Center Sunday morning sans kids (thanks to GG)! Despite the pouring rain and the long lines, we got to experience the David Archuleta + Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. The Gardners had given us their tickets (thank you!). Words can’t describe the magnificence of all the lights, choreography, music, etc. of the show. And who doesn’t love cute little David, who is about to turn 20, but still looks like he’s like 14!?! His version of Silent Night was the best I’ve ever heard (and apparently it will be on his Christmas album next year). Afterwards, he talked about how he came a few years ago to the MoTab Christmas concert, not thinking that in a million years he could be up there on the stage. And yet, there he was! Lesson learned: Pursue your dreams/goals and work to make them a reality.