
Happy Birthday, Charlotte!

Charlotte Noel turned two today! We love, love, love this girl.

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Flashback to the day she was born… Charlotte & I were alone in our hospital room that first night after I had had her, so we were able to have some blissful bonding time. I took her blankets off and held her close, skin-to-skin, while I touched her soft hair and inhaled her sweet newborn baby scent. I was so happy to have her! I should have been sleeping, but I just loved how close I felt with Charlotte right from the start. And we adore her more and more every day. So sappy, but so true!




Back to present day: We were able to celebrate Charlotte’s birthday with some family that’s in town. You can tell that she’s a second child (or that we were just burnt out from the holidays) because everything was just kinda thrown together. We were up at the McGrandparents’ house for the weekend, so GG provided a dinosaur tablecloth and I decorated the cake with some frosting squeezed from a plastic bag. But the thing was, Charlotte didn’t care one bit about the décor, and she got tons of presents which is what matters most (hahah!).




This is her classic “smile for the camera!” smile. It makes us laugh! We really love Charlotte and her sweet, laid-back, happy personality.