
Racism still alive?

Vote for issues, not for young vs. old, white vs. black, or any other classifications. A president should be the voice of the people not the face of the people. Hope you didn’t miss the deadline to register to vote.. like me… have fun voting everyone.


McCain Issues from the source
Obama Issues from the source


Slow Down

I don’t watch Oprah more than 3 times/year, but this story caught my eye about a mom who accidentally left her baby in the car all day, and you can guess what happened. I feel bad for the mom, and I feel really bad for the baby who had to go in such a way! It’s one of the worst things I can imagine happening to a family.  What I take from the story, though, is a good piece of advice for us all to keep in mind: Slow down and remember the big picture.

Brenda says the lesson she learned that she wants to pass on to other moms is to slow down — don’t become overwhelmed with perfection. “I’ve learned to say a lot, ‘It just doesn’t matter,'” she says. “The house doesn’t matter, the perfect dinner doesn’t matter — the kids matter.”


Precesious Moments

There are houses available in our neighborhood… I mean come on, how can you resist?

[flashvideo filename=”../mcvideos/meeting.flv” link=”../mcvideos/meeting.flv” /]

Chase Quotes!

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Most parents are constantly entertained by the funny things their kids say all day, and we are no different! Here are some of Chase’s recent quotes.

–He was taste-testing some cookie dough we made, and I asked him how the cookies tasted. His response: "They taste perfect."

–Referring to a crane we saw near a construction site: "If that fall down that would be awful."

–I was tilting his head back in the bath water to rinse his hair, and he suddenly yelled, "No, Mommy, don’t baptize me!" I guess he wants to wait until he can make that decision himself!

–When Chase saw me wearing a necklace one day, he said, matter-of-factly:   "Good necklace, Mom."  

–In a store, I told him we were looking for the "store lady" to ask her where the bathroom was. He stopped right there in the middle of the store and yelled: "LAAAAADDYYYYY! Where’s the bathroom!?!?" Of course, why didn’t I think of that?


Enjoy the Office Tonight


Want 10 million?

The X Prize Foundation has teamed up with WellPoint Inc. to offer up a nice $10 million prize to any person or group that can come up with the best healthcare plan.

The plan has to be a solution that would lower the costs of healthcare, and improve overall quality of healthcare in the country.

Make that two X-prize competitions I’m looking forward to seeing who wins



Crucial Conversations Training

“VitalSmarts will be hosting an in-house Crucial Conversations training November 19-20! If you have friends or family that you think would like attend this training sign them up. Remember it’s free and seats are limited so act fast! Once the seats are full I will start a waiting list. ”

Comment or email ASAP if you would like to attend this training for free

+Training Overview PDF


Flash 10 out now, upgrade please

“I was fully prepared for Flash Player 10 to be totally underwhelming, but it looks as though Adobe has gotten things right this time around.

After looking at the beta back in July, the new features – 3d effects, hardware acceleration, custom filters and effects – intrigued me. I also noted a slight improvement in performance on my workstation. You can view a full list of v10’s features on Adobe’s web site and try out some of them in an interactive demo.

What I didn’t expect was Flash Player 10 actually making my MSI Wind and its piddly Atom CPU capable of finally watching stutter-free FLV clips on the web. Thanks to the new dynamic streaming quality of service abilities and the general performance enhancements, playback is silky smooth even on my underpowered netbook.

Overall, v10 is impressive, and reminds me how exciting Flash was when it first burst onto the scene. It’s well worth the download.”

+Full list of new features
+Download Now


Looking for

I’m looking for a guille suit for halloween. Anyone know of a good one? I’m also testing a new plugin.



I just have a question for you folks. Does anyone know how to freshen up the towels in the house? Our kitchen hand towels smell dingy/metallic/yucky, even after they’ve just been washed. I can’t stand it because after I dry my hands, they smell gross just like the towels do, even though I have just washed with yummy hand soap from Bath and Body Works. Sad! I do keep towels hanging up so they can air out and aren’t lying in a clump all day… I thought at first that it was because our towels were getting old, but shortly after I bought some new ones, they started to stink, too. I looked online, and some advice said to wash the towels in vinegar, but that hasn’t gotten rid of the odor of those dingy kitchen towels. Solutions?