T.V. Tech

Tues. Fun

Here’s some fun for you. You can now pay for and get access to full seasons, and watch on your mobile devices. It’s $10 /mo that’s prob cheaper than having cable, just make sure you have a good internet connection. Called Hulu Plus. (please report back if you sign up, and tell us if it’s worth it)

And secondly,

Ranting Tech

Just don’t hold your phone

OK so there is some tech buzz going around I just have to comment on. First, the domain extension .xxx was approved. This as you could imagine is a domain reserved for adult content. So as a warning if you see a website that ends in .xxx do not click the link. What does that mean? If you see something like: Check out for a free virus scan! Unfortunately, the domain is just an additional place to put porn, not a required place to put porn. So you could still find a lot of junk at .com, .net, etc domains. What would be great is for all porn to be required to be located at a .xxx address. Then you could just block those domains and feel pretty good about surfing the net.

Next is this phone. The iPhone 4 came out yesterday. Apparently the phone loses signal completely or really bad when you hold it in your left hand connecting the two sides of the antenna with your flesh. OOPS! Here’s the part that made me have to blog about it, Steve Jobs responded with “Non issue. Just avoid holding it in that way.”
WHAT!!! That’s it!? That’s your response!? Hey thanks for forking out all the money for this cool thing, and you can’t hold it in your left hand because then it’s not cool. I just don’t understand people! I mean if the best phone on the planet, the EVO 4G had some problem that made it so you can’t hold it in your right hand, I would have to tell everyone that it is no longer the best phone available anymore. Sorry that’s a game changer when the PHONE CAN”T ACT AS A PHONE WHILE BEING HELD IN YOUR HAND!!!! Helllooooooo!!!!??? I know we have lots of Apple fans that read this, and I have tons around me at work, someone please explain this. Tell me you aren’t still willing to fight me to the death that the iPhone is the best phone. OK I’m gonna breath now. -source


Drop my kids at the pool

My kids like swimming, Charlotte was more of a sit around the pool and never get in the water type of girl. Chase wanted to jump in, over and over and over again. Begin pictures!


Chase Beckham

During our vacation, Chase attended a soccer day camp put on by the SSU Women’s Soccer team. It was 3 hours a day under the hot sun, and he played alongside “big” 5&6-year-olds, so I was glad he was willing to go every day. Overall, he had a good time, but he said he doesn’t like soccer anymore. I told him we’ll give it another try in the fall, and see if having some friends of the same age on his soccer team (and his own dad as a coach) doesn’t improve his outlook on the sport.


Best eyes and Messiest Eater

Those who are subscribed to our YouTube feed will have already seen this, or on google buzz (Buzz grabs my photos and videos automatically Ty b/c the accounts are linked). I wanted to make it an official McVideo. What’s so cool about it!? Joy took the video and Eyefi automatically uploaded it. Like most of our other videos I wouldn’t have seen this until the monthly SD card dump and then I mighta missed it. SO GREAT! Ty shared on facebook with the tag line: “This is my niece. She just won her high schools senior superlative for ‘Best Eyes’ and ‘Messiest Eater'”


Amazing new features

Gino, never again will you be asking for media updates, we’ve gone wireless and automatic! Woo hoo. Joy scored a new camera for wedding mania, and with it a new Eye-fi card. This bad boy wirelessly transfers photos from the camera to our media server, then it uploads the pictures to picasa for us, and the videos to youtube for us! WOW, who could ask for anything more simple!? Also, if you see any images you weren’t supposed to, just close your eyes till we delete them, this thing is on full auto. 🙂 We’ll post the videos here under the tag McVideos so the McVideo function will still work to watch em here, but if you are a feed reader junkie, add our media:

Follow our YouTube feed:
Follow our our image action:

Note these are both google services, so if you have a google account, login and you’ll be able to do lots more, like comment, download, and share.


May the Force Be With You

Pace enjoyed this small Father’s Day present. I just couldn’t resist these pancake molds I saw in the display window at Williams-Sonoma! Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful fathers out there (including my own)!



Well it’s been almost three weeks without my family. It’s been nice, boring, relaxing, and boring. I’ve enjoyed actually watching the Stanley Cup playoffs, golfing with Dad, working late and sleeping uninterrupted, doing yard work all morning then sleeping off the sunburn, and exercising. I miss coming home and hearing, Daddy!! Dad’s home! I miss Joy’s cooking, nagging, laundry skills, cleaning, and kisses. I miss wrestling Chase and pretend wrestling Charlotte, singing at bedtime, and waking up in the middle of the night to tell Joy the kids need something. Well family, the break has been nice, and I’m looking forward to seeing you again! LOVE YOU!


Charlotte Noel

Charlotte will be 18 months old this month. She has such sweet, kissable cheeks and beautiful blue eyes. She can be so funny and feisty, but is also pretty careful and reserved in new situations. It’s fun to discover more about Charlotte’s personality as time goes on. I’m so thankful to have this little girl!


I watch my sweet baby throughout the day, I hold her and smell her, and I don’t want her to grow up because I adore her just the way she is right now.

Married Lessons Personal


I just finished reading The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I know these Dr. Laura books are controversial and that some disagree with the principles in these books… But I, on the other hand, been a long-time fan of her previous book, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. Both books have helped me to understand my husband better, and to have a more unselfish point of view in our marriage. Here is a great quote from the Marriage one that I just read. I think that it applies to newlyweds and “oldlyweds” alike:

“Of course it is instant disaster, not instant happiness, when two people come together, each with their own notions of how it is going to be… when they marry. Many people perceive marriage as a kind of sauna; you go in and the heat does something to you while you are passive. What [some have] happily discovered is that a good marriage is all about ‘doing’ something, instead of expecting something. When both spouses understand that, it is a beautiful thing” (157).

I am thankful that my husband doesn’t “keep score” in all we do and that he does everything he can to help and show love for me. Especially as we’re apart, I realize how much he does for me and how much I appreciate him. We both believe in building each other up as much as we can, especially in our conversations with others. I know that it makes both of us feel good. The more you focus on the good in each other, the more you see it, and the more it overshadows any faults that might be there. I love and adore you, Pace!