

Update on the avatar situation. After considering the responses, we have installed the avatar system. HOW TO GET AN AVATAR: Step 1: make at least 2 comments using the same email. Step 2: After you make the comment, click the link below the comment box that says “As a frequent comment author you are allowed to register your own avatar.” Step 3: Choose an avatar. DONE. IF you want to pick an avatar you made, you need to email it to me and I will add it to the choices. Good luck, let me know if that is confusing.

Instructions on how to make your own avatar with the avatar maker: Pick your options, when you get it the way you want it you need to capture your screen. On the PC hit the print screen key on your keyboard, open a photo editor/email editor and paste your screen shot. Send it to me. On a mac hit shift-open apple-3 to capture the screen, a .jpg will show up on your desktop, email me that file.


To avatar or not

I’m still playing with the idea of having avatars for the site. First, for those with no idea what I’m talking about, an avatar is an 80px x 80px (or anysize) picture that appears next to your name when posting, or commenting (an example). I’ve found a cool plugin that allows for each comment to be assigned an avatar set by us, then when the person commenting makes a certain number of comments they can pick their own avatar, and that picture stays with all of your comments thereafter, each person having their own. The concerns I have are, ONE: too many pictures on the blog. We’ve had some posts with 40 plus comments, if a small picture was on each of those.. sheesh. TWO: I can’t seem to motivate the dozens of readers of McBlog who don’t comment, to comment.. so I’m scared if avatars were displayed it would scare away anyone on the verge of commenting to never comment…Aunt Melissa! On the flip side, I think it would be fun to have them.. and that’s about it, b/c they don’t serve any purpose beisdes fun, oh and it might get a few more people to register…?

So I want to hear from you, the faithful readers of McBlog, what would having a small picture next to your name as your id badge do/or not do for you? Increase/Decrease Comments? Scare/Entertain?

P.S. Check out this avatar maker to see some of the options you will have if we do avatars.


Symbolism of Color

There is one boy in our class who picks a favorite topic and talks about it for two months till he moves onto the next thing. These days it’s pirates. During our lesson today, we taught about the words of Jesus being a treasure map that leads back to Heaven. Of course Ben (the pirate kid, whose name may or may not have ben changed to protect the innocent) was very interested as soon as he heard the word treasure. During the coloring part of the class, Ben was coloring his tresure chest and explained to me why he picked the colors he did: “brown is for treasure chest, black is for evil, and red is for bloodyyyyyyyy!” And yes, he did hold out the -ie- sound of bloody. It was funny.



We like to fill requests, so here is a video trying to capture the elusive Chase making noise, quicktime 2.5MB

T.V. Thoughts from Ty

Lost. Not just a Show

Even while showing re-runs the show Lost on ABC continues to amaze me. As i mentioned before, about once every show (recently) a commercial has come on for the “hanso foundation” talking about improving the human race or something, then at the end, it has a different thing every time. Once it was a phone number (1-877-hansorg[still working]) or websites ( (no longer working) and Last night as i was watching a previous episode from the season that I hadn’t seen yet, the commercial came on, and at the end gave a new website. I went to it last night and although doesnt tell me much, its fun to watch each week and go to the “secret website” sometimes websites like while it was still functioning gave many clues. Sometimes the websites like retrivers of truth leave you with questions. I just found it interesting that a show can provide you with entertainment during the show, and afterwards.

P.S. Dont forget a chase update below this vv


Chase Update

Our child, Chase, has been doing pretty well at sleeping longer amounts of time at night! It’s great. Well, he often gets up once or twice in the night to eat, but sometimes he sleeps for 6-7 hours straight, which is a relief to me! I am somewhat normal these days, rather than the exhausted zombie I was for the first several weeks of Chase’s life. Overall, he’s a pretty chill baby (as long as we hold him for he majority of the day) and we are really grateful for that. He will be 8 weeks old this Friday! His hair seems to be getting a little darker and he makes lots of cooing sounds that are adorable. He has smiled a few times now, but we are awaiting the day when we’ll see lots of smiles and laughs coming from that kid! But for now, he is chubby and cute as can be.


New McBlog Features

McBlog New feature allows for comments to be made in quickview area. Don’t know if it works in Internet Explorer… but you really shouldn’t be surfing the internet with that crap anyway.. switch to Mozilla Firefox. (well I just checked in IE and interestingly/oddly enough, the comments don’t show, but the submit a new comment box does…)

We also added the feature to register for the blog… on the left column in the Additional section there is a register link. You can sign up for this blog, which will allow you to… well as far as I can tell it just lets you sign up as a profile so that each time you visit you can just login and make comments and you don’t have to type your name and email and stuff, and I think you’ll be able to edit your own comments too… well any way you want to make comments is fine with us, registered or non registered. (Cotton and Tyler you are already authors, so you would just login of course)



Edmonton learned how real hockey players get it done again!! Carolina walks hard for a 5-0 win over the Toilers! If you missed game 1 or 2, you missed one of the best sports events of the year… but don’t worry in hockey we do it at least four times. Catch game 3 Sat night, 8 eastern on NBC!


We’re going to be rich!

Just wanted to let you all in on a million dollar idea I had. I recently built a prototype and tried it on Chase. View the training video .MOV(3MB).

UPDATE: After sufficient testing, we have decided to discontinue research for this product.


New McBlog Content!

Well, it’s finally ready to be released. McPhotos has come up to par with the rest of the site and we feel it is worth everyone checking out. If you want to stay on top of the latest pics or just see if you are on there, McPhotos is a great place to bookmark.(we also added a link on the left sidebar under the voting poll) Flash 8 is required Pick an album, and the show will auto play, or feel free to browse at your own speed. If you like a picture, just click on it and a new window will open in higher resolution for download… yes we aim to please here at McBlog. So grandparents, parents, friends, everyone, gather round McPhotos!